Winx Club Movie 3 !!
ROME - With "Winx Club 3D - Magical Adventure," Iginio Straffi beat all the time: the magician of our own cartoon, creator of the famous fairy, leads in fact goes up the first three-dimensional feature film made in Italy. At least among the last generation. An interesting challenge that begins here, on this first day of the Festival with the screening of the film auditorium, complete with a colorful red carpet.
"It 's been a difficult challenge - admits Straffi, presentation of the film - because all our heroes have very long hair, dressed almost evening show as in the 3D viewer of an inch from his nose, has required enormous care . Otherwise, the defects were clearly visible. The director was particular: after the boom of 'Avatar' have rehearsed in 3D post-production in many films, but this kind of 'false Suibi you see. "
Made in the study of Roman Rainbow - the company's animation Straffi - the film has the usual six fairies as protagonists: one of them - Bloom, natural leader of the group - is in its original planet Domino, and is engaged to Sky, the other must deal with their historic enemy, the Trix. But even the love between the two betrothed shadows fall. Name to reveal all secrets, and a looming threat ...
And for the future, the company has big plans. In 2012, in fact, will be released the third film. It will also be inaugurated in Valmontone, near Rome, the theme park 'Rainbow Magic Land "," an investment of 300 million euro, all private capital - concluded Straffi - a place of entertainment, rather than pupazzoni on mechanical, will focus on virtual reality, the 4D, the 5D. Meeting next spring.
Depuis 2007, je vous avez dit que les films suivraient une trilogie et on a enfin la confirmation !! Le 3ème film des Winx serait pour 2012, mais pas encore de date précise, mais vu où en sont les projets de la Rainbow (Saison 5 et 6 + Episodes résumés des Saisons 1 et 2), la sortie du 3ème film en 2012 n'est pas étonnante mais je trouve que ça va faire beaucoup de choses en peu de temps ! Aucun titre ni résumé encore disponible bien sûr.
Iginio Straffi l'a confirme lui même dans une interview à l'occasion de la première du 2nd Film 3D. Il se pourrait que des professionnels de la 3D provenant des USA participent à la réalisation de ce 3ème film !!